What are the Best Ways to Boost Hair Growth After a Hair Transplant

Many people notice hair-related problems, such as hair thinning or hair loss, which can cause balding. There are several short-term solutions for hair loss, but they don’t provide long-term solutions. For a permanent result, one should think about Sapphire or FUE/FUT hair transplants in Raipur. Both surgical and non-surgical techniques can be used for hair transplantation. Although a hair transplant is an effective treatment, some people are concerned about regrowth. Professional surgeons claim that it can take at least six months for new hair to fully regrow and look natural.

You had a hair restoration procedure done recently, the grafts healed, and you are now waiting for the results. As part of the healing process, it is normal for the hairs in the transplanted follicles to fall out and go dormant for more than two months. Within three to four months, new hairs will grow in those follicles.

How Can I Increase Hair Growth After a Hair Transplant?

While genetics play an important role in how fast or slow hair grows, other factors such as: –

  • Age
  • Diet
  • Stress
  • Hormones
  • Hair care habits
  • Any medications you are taking
  • Overall health influences how quickly or slowly hair grows.

It is widely known that men’s hair grows faster than women’s unless the woman is pregnant. So, if you want to see your new hair sooner, reduce your stress, which is also beneficial to your overall health. The new hair grows quickly as a result of improving your overall health.

Hairstyle practices for healthy growth of new hair

  • Avoid using blow dryers on high heat settings, as well as curling irons and flat irons.
  • Avoid using chemical treatments or chemical-based styling products.
  • Avoid tight hairstyles because they can harm your hair and follicles.

Which dietary habits will help your hair grow faster?

  • Consume antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables such as blueberries, squash, peppers, cherries, and tomatoes.
  • Increase your intake of liquids such as shakes and drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water per day.
  • Avoiding alcohol and smoking will help to speed up the healing process.
  • Biotin, also known as Vitamin B7, is essential for strong nails and hair growth. Hair loss, brittle nails, and whim-whams damage are all symptoms of insufficiency. Prin is also necessary for healthy hair growth, which can be difficult for insectivores and insectivores.
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B12
  • Folic Acid
  • Essential adipose acids, especially omega- 3s.
  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Magnesium

Hair wash procedure for speedy regrowth

After a hair transplant, only use the hair care products recommended by the surgeon. They will ask you to refrain from taking a shower or bath for several days. When taking a shower is permitted, gentle soap is recommended, and you should only use the specified soap. Wash the area around the hair follicles with very little pressure. After washing, dry with a soft cloth without rubbing too hard.

Rubbing the scalp

Avoid touching your hair after getting a hair transplant because itching around the transplanted site is common. Scratching will disrupt hair growth by disturbing newly implanted hair follicles.

Beware of sweating

Sweating can impede regrowth by causing complications following a transplant. Sweating causes the head to itch more, which can lead to severe infections of newly transplanted hair follicles. They may become permanently damaged and begin to fall out.

If you live in a humid climate, you must keep your scalp as cool as possible. After a transplant, try to stay indoors for at least a month.

At Auqual hair Services, we have a lot of experience with hair transplantation, not only on the scalp but on the whole body.

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